
Showing posts from March, 2012

GOD vs. DEVIL (Poem cum Conversation)

GOD vs. DEVIL (Poem cum Conversation) By : Deepak Patni DEVIL: I am a wicked soul, My deeds are evil, I will spread sin everywhere, I am the demon, I am the devil. GOD: I am the owner of every soul, I am the creator, I am the God, It’s me, who runs the world, I am the one, I am the Lord. DEVIL: I will destroy everything, No one would endure here, I will spread anxiety, covetousness, Violence, wickedness everywhere. GOD: Immorality will never win, I will never let it happen, Goodness is the only key of life, Grace of piety is the extreme weapon. Survivor: The war between evilness and goodness, Started from beginning and it will never end, But whenever it will happen, It will be piety which will have the last stand.